Interacts well with nongelling polysaccharides (e.g., gums like locustbean gum)
A strategy for the unambiguous identification and selective quantification of xanthan gum and locustbean gum (LBG) in gelled food concentrates is presented.
One rather peculiar food belonging to the legumes is the locustbean or St. John's bread, which we can sometimes obtain at the candy stores.
Locustbean gum (E 410) is an authorised food additive in the EU.
Locustbean gum is practically undigested, not absorbed intact, but significantly fermented by enteric bacteria in humans.
Ús de Ceratonia siliqua en anglès
The Cassia fistula of Ceylon resembles it somewhat in flavour, but the Ceratoniasiliqua is free from the medicinal properties of the former tree.